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Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Hey there!

Today, I am going to share about the bloom's taxonomy and how it can be useful for teachers.

How Bloom’s Taxonomy Is Useful For Teachers 

There are many reasons for the popularity of Bloom’s Taxonomy (that likely deserve an article of their own to explore). For now, it’s clear that many educators love Bloom’s because, it gives them a way to think about their teaching and the subsequent learning of their students.
 As mentioned above, the framework can be used to -
  •  Create Assessments
  •  Evaluate the complexity of assignments
  •  Increase the rigor of a lesson 
  •  Simplify an activity to help personalize learning
  •  Design a summative assessment
  •  Plan project-based learning 
  •  Frame  a group discussion, and more.
 It simply provides an order for cognitive behaviours, it can be applied to almost anything. (You can see one example above–one of our teaching materials that combined Bloom’s Taxonomy with common digital tasks.)

I have tried to make it simpler for the teachers to understand all about the Bloom's and putting it together on a presentation. You can download and use it for a reference in your everyday teaching.

 Bloom's Actual Vocabulary List 

Revised Bloom's Vocabulary List

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